Friday, January 05, 2007

New Christmas, Old questions

Living in between two cities will be more and more often a com on feature. People do not necessarily like all about the city they were grew up. But even if they do, more regulary with the reduction of cross border barriers to education more poeple decide to study overseas and end up staying. Finally work and economic actitivty might well stagnate locally, and only the "leaving option" is left open for those who wish to pursue a carreer. In any case, our point is that people meet their partners abroad and may well decide to stay abroad too. Our case, is however a little different, we met aborad but we are both from the same city , just that it happens that for a variaty of reasons we don't want to live in Barcelona just as yet. Joan misses Catalonia, family and friends and has a job there so he spends at leat a term every year. Marta only visits family three times a year and that's about it really.

One of the times that we tend to be both in Barcelona is in christmas and we are used to the same question: when are you comming back? Interestingly, we have come to a conclusion that we have no real response. We are not anymore as when we fist left, but were we are its not home either. So I guess, a tentaive conclusion is that we are sort of hybrid Catalan, that for a variaty of resons we feel good and free aborad ( better jobs and higher self control). Only bringing to life new human being would turn us into back to convetional.

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